Here are my top ten cinema crimes
10. SPACE INVADERS: When the cinema is not very busy and someone sits right next to you invading your personal space when they have literally the whole cinema to pick a seat from.
9. SMELLY FOOD: You know the people who insist on bringing their own food from outside the cinema, not content with the usual cinema nibbles with the aromas of popcorn, hot dogs, nachos, they bring in smelly sandwiches, chicken, and all other offending odours.
8. ILL-TIMED LAUGHING: A scene comes on which is relatively unfunny and the person sitting next to you lets out the most inappropriate, unmerited high pitched laugh. You cringe with embarrassment because no-one else in the cinema has laughed with them. *slouches very low in chair*
7. IN AND OUTERS: The people who can't seem to sit on their butts for the duration of the movie, once is okay for a restroom visit but these offenders are in and out of their seats for the whole film. Somehow they always seem to have a middle row seat and will climb past you many times blocking the screen.
6. THE KID GROUPS: The parents drop them off at the cinema and use it like an unsupervised babysitter. They gather in groups and throw popcorn and such like at other cinema goers. Aaargh!
5. LATECOMERS: We are fifteen minutes into the film, a tense scene is showing, we are all immersed then bang, in they come popcorn in one hand and drinks in the other, wandering aimlessly blocking views and looking for seats. Tip: Get in early! :)
4. LOUD EATERS: You know the people *CRUNCH* they take out *MUNCH* their crisps *CRUNCH* quiet PLEASE!
3. MOBILE/CELLPHONE USERS: The usual suspects, phones glued to their hands, frightened to turn them off incase the president/queen is going to call them. Bleep bleep click click, turn them off or put them on silent. Their only purpose in a cinema would be to look for something dropped on the floor.
2. FEET FIRST: There will always someone at one time behind you who will put their feet up on the back of your chair or starts rhythmically tapping your chair with their size 9s for the duration of the film (well it feels that long!)
1. LOUD TALKERS: PLEEEEEEASE for the love of cinema, stop talking when a film commences.
Please feel free to contact me on here or via Twitter and my
Facebook if you have any of your own pet hates at the cinema I would love to hear them or to suggest a movie I should
watch next.
Twitter: @shanmoviereview or #shanmoviereview